Thursday, September 14, 2017

A little slice of Maya’s Life!
“Believe you can & you're halfway there!”-Theodore Roosevelt
          Hi readers, I’m Maya and here is a little slice of my life! First of all, I have 2 cats and love them so much!! You can find me playing with my cats or hanging out with my closest friends,I also love to shop and go to the mall! My favorite subjects in school are math and writing. I love to talk,talk,and talk more, my friends say that I talk a lot but if I didn’t then I wouldn’t be me! Speaking of my friends, my friends are very close to me and help me through everything! If I didn’t have them I don’t know what I’d do!
         If i’m not with my friends or cats, I’m hanging out with my family! I have 1 twin brother and cousins that are very close to me! I consider myself very neat and organized. I love when everything has its place! I don’t like many sports but I love to swim! I have loved the water since I was little and still love it today! I have been told that I have many strong opinions on many things, which is very true. I like to stand up for what I think is right. Also, when I grow up I kind of want to be a lawyer or something like that .